What is Amateur "Ham" Radio
Ham radio is a hobby enjoyed by many people just like yourself. Ham radio operators are dedicated to the hobby and do what they can to promote the hobby and have fun with the operation of ham radios. No one really knows where the term “ham” comes from but many people believe it comes from the early days of radio when Morse code or “CW” was used to communicate before voice communications became available. A radio operator communicated by using a telegraph key and using dots and dashes that represented letters. A person with a heavy hand, or “ham fisted” were known to exist.
In today’s world CW still exists but there have been great advances in the hobby which allows us to use our voice as well. At one time CW code was required when taking the test for a license but this is no longer true. All modern radios use a microphone for voice communications with many of them still capable of being used with CW for those who are purists in the hobby. Radios that once filled an entire wall can now be used on a normal desktop. Some of them even fit in the palm of your hand!
In short, a ham radio operator is a person that has an interest in radio communications, has taken and passed at least one of three tests with the FCC, and has access to a ham radio to talk to their neighbor next door, a stranger across town, or often a complete stranger in another country!The sky is the limit in ham radio and you can take the hobby as far as you want to go!It is a suitable hobby for anyone who is willing to put in the effort.Anyone can be a ham radio
The best advice for getting started in ham radio is to find a local ham radio club or a local ham radio operator and look over their shoulder. They will be more than happy to guide you through the process. A person who is a ham radio operator and assists a person get started in the hobby is often referred to as an “Elmer.” It is a very common practice in the hobby for the more experienced operators to be an Elmer to the less experienced operators.
In short, there are three tests that you must take to gain access to ham radio frequencies. Test fees are $35. There are numerous online study sites and numerous textbooks available to you. Each test that you take and successfully pass will give you access to increasingly more radio frequencies. The best way to become a ham is to become involved with your local club or a local operator, start reading the study guides and then take the online practice tests. While it may seem intimidating at first you will soon start gaining knowledge and confidence and before you know it, you will be ready to take the test! For more information on this entire process feel free to send us a message and we will do what we can to help you! We would love to be your Elmer!
How to get licensed in Amateur Radio
Ham radio can be one of the cheapest hobbies to get started in and can be one of the most expensive hobbies as well. You get to decide how much you want to spend. A person can easily get started in the hobby for $100 which includes both the fees for the first test and your first handheld radio! At the other extreme some ham radio operators have $50,000 plus in their “shack!” Entry level handheld radios for your first license will cost between 35-500 dollars. A base station radio in your home will cost between 250 and 1,000 dollars for your first test. This would include the radio, coax cable, and an antenna. For those who pursue the second and third tests a different type of radio is generally used because you get increased access to other radio frequencies or “bands.” For these instances one should expect between $1,500 and up for their equipment.
It is important to not get fixated on the costs to get started in ham radio. There are just too many variables that range from new and used equipment, higher or lower options and features, what bands are accessible, type of antennas, etc. Asking how much it costs to be in ham radio is like asking “How much does a car cost?” There are just too many answers. The best advice is to find your local ham radio club and see what equipment their members use and seek their advice.